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Trump and Yanukovych

Примечание редакции. Публикуем англоязычную версию ранее опубликованного материала о писательских способностях Трампа и Януковича.

Andriy Luchkov

Примечание редакции. Публикуем англоязычную версию ранее опубликованного материала о писательских способностях Трампа и Януковича.

Donald Trump used his campaign funds to buy more than 3,500 copies of the hardcover version of «Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again» or just over 5,000 lease, «Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America».

Paul Ryan said that Trump would have to forgo accepting royalties for sales on the book in order for the transaction to be legal, under Federal Election Committee rules.

«It’s fine for a candidate’s book to be purchased by his committee, but it’s impermissible to receive royalties from the publisher», Ryan said. «That amounts to an illegal conversion of campaign funds to personal use. There’s a well established precedent from the FEC that funds from the campaign account can’t end up in your own pocket». The Daily Beast Reported.

Ukrainians this enterprise seemed familiar.

Yanukovych - the «runaway president», is well known to be a horrible public speaker, yet, to everyone's surprise, he was one of the most highly paid Ukrainian writers.

Also Austria's Mandelbaum Verlag printed 50,000 copies of Yanukovych «Opportunity Ukraine», but later it became known that Yanukovych has been accused of plagiarism in this book. So the whole print was taken down.

So What other things Donald Trump and Viktor Yanukovych have in common, apart from admiring Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs and the strange love of vulgar style?

And if we, Ukrainians, know that Yanukovych, who has so many similarities to Trump, threw the country under the bus and gave Putin the opportunity to ravage Ukraine and occupy Crimea, then we are really worried looking at USA now, wondering whether Trump may lead his country to similar calamities as Yanukovych.

The elephant in the room is - does Donald Trump, who uses same consultants, admires Putin and is fond of the luxury lifestyle (just like Yanukovych), wants to transform power into personal wealth, without caring about the future of his country and his nation.

In his declaration published that in 2011 Yanukovych earned more than 16.4 million hryvnyas (2 million $) of the Donetsk based publisher «Noviy Svit» in copyright fees for numerous books, including «A Year in Opposition», «A Year in Office», and «How Ukraine Should Live Further».

Also Austria's Mandelbaum Verlag printed 50,000 copies of Yanukovych «Opportunity Ukraine», but later it became known that Yanukovych accused of plagiarism in this book.

What unites Donald Trump and Viktor Yanukovych, apart from admiration of Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs and the strange love of vulgar variations of the empire style?

American consultant Paul J. Manafort advised Yanukovych and Trump on his election campaigns. Coincidence? Or use the experience of corruption in Ukraine?

And if we, Ukrainians know that loves to live in a big way Viktor Yanukovych threw his country into a serious condition in fact plunging into crisis and giving them an opportunity and a way for Putin 's military aggression and occupation of the land entrusted to him by the people of Ukraine – but we worry looking at the America – a model of democracy, tolerance and respect for laws and regulations, including international ones.

Is Donald Trump using the same consultants, the same admiring the luxury estates of the Russian leadership and its executants, also saying compliments of Putin and his policies – also wished to transform the authority into personal funds without worrying about the future of the country and the nation?

For clarification what the FEC (Federal Election Commission) has an issue with is that Donald Trump is attempting to do the same thing that Newt Gingrich did. Only with Newt there were not laws or rules over what was done and how money was sent to the various campaign funds. This happened after the 1996 election.To continue and to CLARIFY the money from the sale of this book deals with the inappropriate addition of money to a STATE's campaign fund. This has nothing to do with Donald Trumps personal money, his 'pocket' money. If Donald trump is indeed worth $10 billion and he wants to spend $2 billion of his own money on his campaign then this is totally LEGAL. But and this is what has caught the FEC, he cannot use money obtained illegally for his campaign, the illegal part is that this money was not PRESENTED as money to be used for the ELECTION of Donald Trump. Now in the case his illegal money is not from CRIMINAL action but from unreported money as anyone who contributes over a certain amount has to be checked and varified. This is to make sure that Moscow is not contributing a $1 billion to the Trump campaign.

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