Получили ответ в твиттере Посла Украины в Турецкой Республике г. Андрея Сибиги, надеемся, что наша активность и действия украинских дипломатов дадут результат.
Когда танкер-нарушитель ALTERA1 прошел Босфор и стал на якорную стоянку Стамбула, к нему пришвартовался персональный катер агентирующей компании “ISTANBUL 34”. Таким образом мы можем предположить, что именно эта компания агентирует на проливе газовоз.
Написали им письмо с разъяснениями нарушений, осуществленных судном.
Dear Sirs,
It has come to our knowledge that your company was commissioned to act as ALTERA 1 agent in the Bosporus. This is to inform you that liquefied gas tanker ALTERA 1 illegally and on a regular basis visits the Port of Kerch closed by Ukraine for navigation; the cargo taken there onboard the ship qualifies as contraband. It has also come to our knowledge that, when acting as the ship’s agent in the Bosporus, your company specifies the ship’s port of departure as Russian seaport of Temryuk, deceiving Turkish maritime authorities.
Please read our articles evidencing the ship’s visits to the Port of Kerch:
https://blog.informnapalm.org/altera-1-dangerous-theatrics-performed-elderly-lady/ (English)
https://blog.informnapalm.org/altera-1-uasadisi-deniz-nakliyatini-durdurmak-lazim/ (Turkish)
Ukrainian Port of Kerch was closed for navigation by Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority; any ship entries to the port are illegal; all cargo taken onboard the ship in that port was not customs cleared and is, in fact, contraband.
We have reported the offense to the Turkish Marine Police; the Embassy of Ukraine is currently taking diplomatic measurers to have criminal proceedings into the matter instituted.
Since you may have been misled, we have decided to notify you thereof so that you can take measures to avoid liability for participation in the aforementioned crimes.
incerely yours,
Kateryna Yaresko
Ukrainian journalist and volunteer of the International Intelligence Community INFORMNAPALM